Creator: Gina Basile, Belén Moreno, May Yates

Cast: Emma-Rose Allen, Gina Basile, Ava Boehm, Bailey Davies-Mahaffey, Ana Gonzalez, Kylee Miller, Belén Moreno, Jessica Warshal, May Yates


What does capitalism do to us and our humanity, and what is left when it is removed?



Kona born and Los Angeles raised, Gina Basile (she/her) is a senior Dance major and Education minor at UCLA. She strives to apply her passion for equitable education into action, specifically with the goal to deconstruct the colonial practices of the U.S. education system. She hopes to combine her love of both dancing and educating to serve under-resourced schools across the U.S. as a creative instructor with the vision of developing interested and awesome young minds.


Belén (she/her) is a 1st generation, 4th year double major in Dance and Sociology. Born in LA, she discovered dance when she was in elementary school, and since then, has become wholeheartedly invested in her practice. Belén has aspirations to create performance work that rigorously questions the frightening currents of society and aims to stir the audience’s awareness.


May (she/her) is a senior Dance and Psychology double major. She was born in Los Angeles a couple decades ago and has been here ever since. Her first formal introduction to dance was in 6th grade, when she began her education at a local performing arts charter. It was there that May first came into contact with the idea that movement could be an alternative channel through which to communicate with and understand the world around her. Since then, she has leaned into the post-modern and Gaga influences from her schooling, with an intent to create work that not only disrupts and reframes dance performance, but also honors the joy of movement exploration and open inquiry!