WACsmash 2022:

To Whom It May Concern

Screening: 7pm on Friday, March 4, 2022


Title: WACsmash 2022: To Whom It May Concern

Date/Time: March 4th, Friday 7 pm

Description: WACsmash 2022: To Whom It May Concern is an undergraduate-led performance and gallery showcasing social justice works relevant to the WACD student body. We, ARTivists, hope to spark conversation and change in the broader UCLA community.


Dewa Ayu Larassanti, Lindsay Backer, Bernice Wang, Miel Lei Apostol, Leonardo Flores

Technical Director: 

Arsenio Apillanes

Sound Engineer:

Mark Goebel

Video Lab Manager: 

William O’Loughlen

Production Manager: 

Ginger Holguin